Dove Challenges


This was a 2-week sprint design process to create a health tracking app to help Dove’s consumers build self-esteem and body positivity. Our solution utilizes data collected by third-party health-tracking apps and suggests challenges for the user to take on. With each challenge, the user collects tokens that can be later turned into product discounts or charitable donations.

Concept project @ General Assembly with Vivien Chin, Fiona Tout and Vandana Ballur.


Dove is a well known bodycare brand that since it’s groundbreaking campaign from 2004 promotes that beauty is not one dimensional and that all kinds of bodies, colours and shapes should be celebrated.

The brief asked us to create a health-tracking app to help users build self esteem and body positivity.
They should be able to track their well-being and health statistics and also purchase Dove products.

Discovery & Research

We started our research by looking at the current landscape of health-tracking apps. We took a close look at exercise trackers like Nike Run, FitBit and Apple Health, and others like Headspace (mindfulness app) and Flo (period tracker app). 

We then discovered that the current apps are mainly focused on keeping track of numbers and statistics but add little value to this information.

We also found that illustrations and pastel colors creates a very pleasing and soothing experience.

User Research

To try to get a better understanding on how women keep track on their mental and body health, and how they deal with topics such as confidence, happiness and self-esteem we conducted 12 interviews with females aged 25 to 65.

After analysing the material and through an Affinity Mapping exercise we concluded that for our interviewees, at the root of self esteem and confidence was the balance of the following:

Mental Health





With these in mind we then crafted our persona – Maria. A secondary school teacher who finds herself overwhelmed with attributions and lacking motivation to keep body and mind fit. 

Design Studio

After defining our problem statment – Maria needs a way to challenge herself because she is busy and lacks motivation – we moved on to designing a solution that could help her feel motivated and engaged. 

Through 5 rounds of Design Studio and a feature priorisation exercise we came to our MVP.

Testing and Iterations

During testing we learned that our users were feeling discouraged by 01. the number of steps it took to join a challenge, 02. for having to commit their own money and 03. for not fully understanding the purpose of the app. 

We then iterated on the userflow to make it more meaningful for both the users and business.

01 – Changes on how challenges are proposed to have a more engaging and gamified experience. 02 – Changes on how the app keep track of progress, instead of manually checked daily goals, the app collects information from partners and checks the completition of the total goal, not daily challenges.

03 – On V1 users were prompted to make a donation in order to keep them motivated for the challenge. By creating the gamified version, where users didn’t commit money and Dove would turn their tracked efforts into donations or products discounts, users felt more motivated to engage with the app.

Our Solution

After our findings and testing, we created a solution that could turn quantitative data into qualitative data. 

By syncing our app with other health-tracking apps we offer the users the chance to take part in challenges and it allows Dove Challenges to follow the users’ progress with the collected data.

The challenges are divided in categories such as Fitness, Mindfulness, Lifestyle and Health. Once each challenge is completed, the user is rewarded Bubble Tokens that can later be converted to charitable donations or discounts on Dove’s products.

Clickable prototype 👆

& Next Steps

Our users felt really excited by the final app proposal as it offers extra motivation and an easy way to not only help themselves but others.

The proposal also aligns with Dove’s initiatives to support girls and women around the world, and bring the user closer to their cause by adding them as contributors. 

For next steps our team would like to work on creating a social network within each challenge so users could meet and build a real-life support network in their community.